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My Cloud Solid and Blinking Red Power and Drive LED Status Information



The front Power or Drive LED on a My Cloud is solid or blinking Red.
The LED will stay Red until the issue is fixed.
Check the table for alert codes and causes.


My Cloud Red LED Alert Status Table

Status Code Title Power LED Drive LED
Critical 0001 System Over Temperature Blink Red -
Critical 0002 System Under Temperature Blink Red -
Critical 0003 Drive SMART Failure - Solid Red
Critical 0004 Volume Failure - Solid Red
Critical 0005 Pending Thermal Shutdown Blink Red -
Critical 0006 Thermal Shutdown Immediate Blink Red -
Critical 0029 Fan Not Working Blink Red -
Critical 0031 On UPS Power Solid Red -
Critical 0201 Drive Failed - Solid Red
Critical 0207 Drive About to Fail - Solid Red
Critical 0212 Volume Rebuild Failed - Solid Red
Critical 0213 Volume Expansion Failed - Solid Red
Critical 0224 Replace Drive with Red LED - Solid Red
Critical 0042 50% UPS Power Left Blink Red -
Critical 0043 15% UPS Power Left Blink Red -
Critical 0044 UPS Out of Power Blink Red -
Critical 0036 File System Check Failed - Solid Red
Warning 1001 Volume Usage is Above 95% Solid Red -
Warning 1002 Network Link Down Solid Red -
Warning 1003 Firmware Update Failed Solid Red -
Warning 1004 High system temperature Blink Red -
Warning 1022 Power Supply Failure Solid Red -
Warning 1120 Unsupported USB Device Solid Red -
Warning 1121 Unsupported File System Solid Red -
Warning 1124 Unable to Mount USB Device Solid Red -
Informational 1028 Reboot Required Solid Red -

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Answer ID 17203: LED Status, Alert Codes, Descriptions, and Email Notifications for WD My Cloud


Resolve a Blinking Red or Solid Red LED issue using the solutions below.


Clear Alerts

  1. Log into the Dashboard.

  2. Check and clear alerts.

  3. Reboot the My Cloud.

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Temperature and Fan Alerts

These alerts can be caused by a loss of power, reboot of the My Cloud, bad fan or high temperatures.

  1. Ensure the My Cloud is in a well ventilated area.
    Nothing blocking or covering the slots and openings on the top and bottom.

  2. Make sure it is standing in upright and gets enough air circulation for proper ventilation.

  3. DO NOT put it next to any heat generating device that could contribute to overheating.

  4. Clear alerts from the dashboard.

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USB Drive Alerts

These alerts can be caused by USB drive usage issues.

  1. Remove all USB Drives from the My Cloud.

  2. Reboot the My Cloud.

  3. Clear alerts from the dashboard.

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UPS Alerts

These alerts can be caused by a compatibility issue between the My Cloud and the UPS.

  1. Disconnect the My Cloud from the UPS device.

  2. Connect it to a normal power supply.

  3. Contact the maker of the UPS devices as needed.

  4. Clear alerts from the dashboard.

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Drive Failure Alerts

These alerts can be caused by a drive failure or RAID issue.

  1. Backup all the data on the My Cloud to another drive.

  2. Replace the failed drive with a compatible supported drive.

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Volume Failure and Usage Alerts

These alerts can be caused by a drive or volume failure, RAID issue or the volume filled over 95%.

  1. Check to see if volume above 95% full.
    Move data from the volume or delete it to free up space.

  2. Clear alerts from the dashboard.

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Power Supply Alerts

These alerts can be caused by a loss of power, power surge or a reboot of the My Cloud.

  1. The power supply should be be replaced with one of similar specs.

  2. Clear alerts from the dashboard.

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Network Link Alerts

These alerts can be caused by a loose or bad network cable, loss of power, reboot of the My Cloud or network router.

  1. Check Ethernet port(s) on the My Cloud and router.
    Make sure they are illuminated and the top LED is flashing.
    A top flashing LED means network connections are happening.

  2. Remove and Insert all network cables to make sure they are right and not loose.

  3. Replace older or longer cables with a new and shorter cable.

  4. Reboot the My Cloud.

  5. Clear alerts from the dashboard.

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Filesystem Check Failed

These alerts can be caused by a loss of power, failing or damaged file system, failing or failed drive.

  1. Backup all the data on the My Cloud to another drive.

  2. Reboot the My Cloud.

  3. Full Factory Restore the My Cloud if the issue remains.

  4. Replace a failing or failed hard drive.

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Answer ID 24755
Published 12/21/2018 01:01 PM
Updated 01/15/2025 10:40 AM

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